Jimmy Primos, Troy Ruiz, Lake Pickle, and Jordan Blissett are gearing up for deer season at Cottonmouth, and it just so happens to be during the Louisiana Alligator hunting season!! This is one you don't want to miss!!
Will Primos is has been going toe to toe with a stubborn old ridge running loudmouth. He had this bad joker at 60 yards once but it was just outside of range for his 20 popper.
Nobody said killing a longbeard in Mississippi was easy! Lake and Jordan have been hunting hard for the last week, and have had their fair share of close calls!
This week on the TRUTH Web Series Jimmy and Troy are in Eutaw Alabama to hunt with Dan Garnand. After a quick rain shower on the road, they get to Dan’s land and it’s absolutely loaded with turkey sign!
It’s opening week in Mississippi, and we’re rarin’ to go! Opening day is a holiday down here, and Jordan has a present sitting up in a tree waiting for him!